Styling your hair can be a challenge at times and if you have fine hair, you may find yourself running out of ways to make your hair look more voluminous. The small strands may not hold volume as much as you’d like and your hair often looks flat despite your efforts to make them appear fuller.
And though there are a lot of ways to thicken finely textured hair, it can take a considerable amount of time before any remedies produce tangible results. This is why using hair extensions perfectly designed for people with fine hair can be your best move.

What is Thin or Fine Hair?
Thin or fine hair lacks volume and density and appears flat and limp. Aging, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, excessive chemical treatments, or genes may cause it.
Although thin hair is more prone to breakage and damage, proper care and styling techniques can enhance its appearance. Good diet consisting of protein and iron-rich food can help your hair grow healthier and thicker too.
If you don’t have the patience to wait until your hair grows thicker and healthier though, there are various solutions to combat thinning hair, one of which is wearing hair extensions to achieve voluminous hair almost instantly.
Are Hair Extensions Bad For Fine Hair?
A lot of people think that hair extensions are bad or that it will cause damage to your hair. Hair extensions aren’t bad, but the low quality ones proliferating the market can pose a threat. An inexperienced stylist can also incorrectly install a hair extension and this will therefore result to damaged hair.
This is why it’s recommended to only use high-quality hair extensions, and allow expert stylists to install your hair extensions.
Best Hair Extensions For Fine Hair
Tape-in extensions
Tape-in extensions can be beneficial for women with thinning hair. If installed correctly, this type of extension is lightweight, preventing unnecessary strain on your scalp and hair. It also has a flat attachment point that merges perfectly in even the finest and flimsiest hair types. As a result, your hair looks natural as the attachments aren’t jutting out at awkward angles.
Since your tape-in hair extension acts as a barrier for your natural hair, the free radicals from your surroundings don’t cling to your natural hair easily, making it possible to grow your hair healthier and stronger.
Remember that it’s crucial to choose high-quality hair extensions to prevent any potential damage to your hair and for seamless blend. You can also treat your hair extensions as your natural hair if they’re of high quality, making styling a breeze.
Hand-tied wefts
One of the hair extension types that suit women with fine hair is hand-tied wefts. Hand-tied wefts are thin and flat, making them unnoticeable. Because they are light-weight, they also don’t put too much pressure on your hair and scalp.
While other installation methods can make you feel like you’re wearing fake hair, hand-tied wefts not only look like your natural hair, it also makes you feel as if you’re not wearing hair extensions at all. Just make sure to find an expert hair stylist to install the wefts, so you can enjoy your hair extensions longer.
Clip-In hair Extensions
Clip-in hair extensions and crown hair extensions also offer women a chance to renew their looks or experiment on a different hair style during events or special occasions. If you don’t want to commit to regularly maintaining your extensions or visiting the salon every 6 weeks, you can opt for these type of extensions.
As their names imply, these hair extensions can be easily clipped or attached to your natural hair using an invisible wire. They are most recommended to women who love changing their hairstyle.
How to Take Care of Hair Extensions for Fine Hair
Proper care of hair extensions is required to ensure they retain their form and quality for the long haul. Upon choosing the best extension type, it’s a good practice to observe the following aftercare routine:
Brush Hair Extension As Gently As Possible
If you’re new to hair extensions, you should know that there’s a proper way to brush your hair extensions. Before brushing, don’t forget to remove the knots from the hair extension by running your fingers through it. Failure to do so can cause breakage.
Our expert hair stylists then suggest starting to brush from the tip and slowly working your way up to the top using a soft bristle brush.
Using a wide-toothed comb is recommended too. You can comb out the tangles from bottom to top. Don’t forcibly untangle matted clumps of hair. You can visit your hair stylist if you cannot untangle the hair extensions by yourself.
Wear A Loose Bun While Sleeping
During sleep, we unconsciously rub our hair against our pillowcase, causing mechanical damage. By placing the hair in a loose bun, the risk of hair damage can be alleviated.
Wear a Heat Protectant
Hair extensions can be damaged if it’s exposed to the sun for a prolonged period. Remember to use heat-protectant products to keep the sun from damaging your hair extensions.
Apply Natural Oils to Keep the Extension Healthy
If you want your extensions to look gorgeous, then you might want to apply natural, organic oil. But do so sparingly, as it can make your hair look droopy and oily. It is recommended to use a small dab of oil and only apply it from the mid to the ends of your mane.
Use Soft Silk Scrunchies
Use silk scrunchies as they are gentler on your strands, and can easily be adjusted so they don’t damage your already fragile hair.
There you have it, the types of hair extensions that suit your fine hair the best. Remember to do your own research as there are a lot of other hair extension types and installation techniques. While most methods are safe, there are some techniques that are not recommended for people with fine hair.
While advanced application methods like micro bonding, U-tips or hot fusion are safe and convenient for women with fine hair, if they are installed by inexperienced stylists, your hair can still get damaged. Weave hair extensions, or extensions that are attached to the hair using hot glue or wax, can also cause your hair to break and fall out.
Don’t forget that your fine hair needs tender loving care, so stick with what your hair stylists recommend.