It’s a humbling moment when an editor reaches out to do a profile piece of your story and business. Where do you begin? What do you want people to understand the most? If you’ve ever had the great fortune to be profiled in a newspaper, local magazine or national/international magazine you’ll know the excitement and anxiety that comes with taking all that you are and care about and putting it on a few pages.
Back during the COVID lockdown, fashionista Iryna Korolenko started a stay at home project to pass the time and feel like she was achieving something positive during that dark year. The scope of the magazine was focused on how cultural changes and our lives intersect with fashion, arts, travel and philanthropy. The magazine became known as Red Hot Monde and below is a 3 page profile piece on how Perfect Locks started, my own journey in falling in love with my hair, and the dream my husband Gautama and I have to help women everywhere.

Iryna and her team did a wonderful job putting it together and perhaps in so many ways it says so much more clearly who we are, what we do and what we hope to be than I’ve ever been able to.
~ Priyanka